Sunday, April 21, 2013

When I visit my brother...

What Hannah, aged six, would like when she's in hospital visiting her brother

When I visit my brother
I’d like my own tent
with a torch and a tablet
a notebook and pen.

It’s cosy and private
with my books and TV.
When I pull down the zip
it’s just Fizzy* and ME!

Beside it’s a garden
a see-saw and tree
that I climb up inside
with flowers beneath.

Please give me a disco
with music and lights
and colourful balloons
so it’s sparkling and bright.

A café with ice cream,                                   
juice, biscuits and chips,
served by a chef
with a smile on her lips.

And, okay, if you say so,
there’s maybe a school
with a smart board and pens
and a teacher who’s cool.

Our black labrador Murphy’s
there with us too,
bringing Noah his slipper.
Or just having a chew?


*('Fizzy' is a precious white dog who wears a pink tutu)

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