Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Whatsits arrive for Book Week Scotland!

With Book Week Scotland from 24th to 30th November, come the first three books in our series concerning the 'Whatsits', characters you're sure to meet around Edinburgh 'Sick Kids' who have a life of their own.

There is Sparks, who gets upset in the summer months when no one seems to need him and has to ask the other Whatsits to help him stop the sun shining through the ward windows; Cathy who is very keen to make friends and be helpful, but gets overlooked because she is quiet and small (and has a reputation for scratching); and Edward who is retiring once his patient gets well to a basement storeroom which might just be a bit dark.

For the first chance to come and meet them, see the side bar on 'Workshops'. All three books are available from the 24th in the Hospital shop and there are copies in every ward playroom.

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